Linley's Blog

lauren is great!

New paper


Who: Amanda berry, Michelle knight,gina Dejesus

What: It was a kidnapped that lasted an decade

When:A decade ago

Where: Cleveland, Ohio
Why: they had been kidnapped for ten years

How do braces work?


How do braces work? Braces have a lot of little gadgets. They are very important because they make your smile pretty. They straighten your teeth. Braces have four basic parts. There are brackets, arch wire,metal bands, and o-bands. The metal bands go on the back teeth. The brackets are little things that you glue on your teeth. The arch wire go’s next. It go’s over the brackets to hold your teeth in the way the wire is. Then the o-bands go on. They hold everything together because it go’s over the wire so it holds it.That’s how braces work from my research. I also have braces 🙂



I  think minecraft is fun but a little hard but i like it.And i think me and my partner are good together.





I got my braces 🙂 they hurt at first but now they don’t!! I love them I got lime green and pink



4 days til i get braces! Im getting Lime Green and Neon Pink braces 🙂 Im getting a full set top and bottom! If you have had braces comment and tell if they hurt or not also tell what colors you had! Thanks for coming to my blog and giving me a comment!!!!:)

Climate And Weather


Happy Valentine’s Day


Dear Momma,

Since it February i wanted you to know that i love you more than chocolate! You make me smile! I’ll love you forever.I adore you so much!You and I will always have a friendship together! I LOVE YOU! Happy Valentine’s Day  Love, Linley




Im very passionate about dance ! I have been doing dance since i was 4 years old. This year im doing 3 competition. On my first one we won 1st place! I was  so excited!! That’s what im passionate about!

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